Assisting on the removal of an Austin Organ in Wisconsin
Often times an organ builder has their hands full with projects in their shop with an installation going on simultaneously. Every skilled shop employee simply cannot be spared and sent on site to help with removals and installations.
I am available as a contractor for hire to builders. I can help on site with their crew when the cost of another full time employee isn’t feasible. Many employees have families and children and are not always available to be away from home for weeks at a time. I have worked with several builders and have traveled to sites across the US and to Australia, I am available for extended periods of time.
Working in the Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall shop, assisting on the restoration of the 466 rank Midmer-Losh, the world's largest pipe organ
Assisting a builder with the removal of a 32' Contra Bombarde in Memphis, Tennesee